More Active Mascot at Games
July 21st 2006
Q. We’d like to make our mascot more active at football and basketball games. How can we accomplish our goal to make our mascot highly visible without getting in the way of our fan’s game experience?
A. Athletic events offer many opportunities for mascot entertainment during pre-, in- and post-game that can compliment your fans game experience. These are the times to focus on first – when the ball is not in play – for entertaining your fans as they enter your stadium and arena; on the concourse; in the seats during timeouts; or during timeouts and halftime performing a mascot skit.
Additionally, it’s a great touch to have your mascot in the upper levels of your arena and/or stadium entertaining, taking pictures with fans, or simply exchanging high-fives with kids and fans in general.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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College Students Attendance at Games
July 20th 2006
Q. Our students can attend our football games as a part of their activities fee, but we still struggle to get students to games. What are the best strategies for increasing college student attendance at football games?
A. First, I’m a big believer in asking students – as well as season ticket holders, group leaders and others – what motivates them to attend games. It sounds so simple yet not many ask the students what would motivate them. I encourage you to ask your students, listen and respond to what they tell you.
Second, in focus groups I’ve conducted with students on various campuses, they’ve communicated how they appreciate free giveaways and food, as well as when athletic departments conduct on-field promotions and contests that are especially designed for students (ie, kick a field goal for tuition waiver).
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Power Hour
July 19th 2006
Q. I’d like to increase how much I read and learn, but it seems like there’s never enough hours in a day and I’m usually too tired (or busy) to read during the evenings. What do you recommend?
A. You may want to consider setting aside 30 minutes each morning and gradually build up to one hour – a power hour – for professional development. This could involve reading, viewing a DVD of best practices, or listening to a CD or cassette.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Lessons from The Apprentice
July 18th 2006
Q. Have you ever watched The Apprentice, and if so, do you think what the contestants go through is of value to an up and coming sports executive?
A. I have watched The Apprentice, and although this show is more to do with entertainment than education, I believe the experiences and lessons learned from the show could be helpful to most business executives.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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One Group Ticket Price vs Multiple Prices
July 17th 2006
Q. Some sports teams offer one group ticket price and others offer multiple group ticket prices. What do you recommend?
A. I like tiered group ticket prices which offer group discounts based on the size of the group. For example, a 25 to 49-person group might receive a $3 group ticket discount on each ticket, and a 50 to 99-person group might receive a $5 per ticket savings.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Season Ticket Holder Benefits
July 14th 2006
Q. In researching season ticket holder benefits, its evident pro sports teams provide many more benefits than college sports. Do you recommend college sports teams offer more benefits to its season ticket holders in an effort to increase season ticket sales?
A. It would be beneficial to college athletics programs to increase its season ticket holder benefits, as well as year-round touch points with season ticket holders. There are many experience-type events that would not cost money, but provide season ticket holders with unique and one-of-a-kind experiences they’d enjoy and share with friends, family members and co-workers who are all prospective season ticket holders.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Popular Game Times for Families
July 13th 2006
Q. When marketing to families, what are the most popular times to host sporting events to get the best fan turnout?
A. I’d recommend surveying your season ticket holders to determine what the majority would prefer. Due to TV broadcasts, some sports teams don’t have an option, but I’d highly recommend surveying fans to get their feedback. You’ll also want to take into consideration the time of year, weather and other elements that may impact attendance numbers.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Annual Season Ticket Surveys
July 12th 2006
Q. Do you feel it is beneficial to survey season ticket holders each year, and if so, what is the best time of the year to send surveys?
A. I recommend annual surveys to season ticket holders be sent following each sports season. The timing works well for getting feedback on the season, and provides plenty of time to act on recommendations for the next season.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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USC Band Receives its Marching Orders
July 11th 2006
Q. What do you think about the USC marching band being relocated after more than 30 years on the Trojan’s sideline? Isn’t tradition more important than creating additional donor seats?
A. I read the story: USC Band Sent Marching Out of Usual Coliseum Spot, and based on school officials communication, the Trojan’s marching band being relocated for the upcoming football season was made in an effort to position the marching so more people throughout the Coliseum could hear and enjoy the USC march band.
You can read the entire story here.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Most Unique Game Promotion
July 10th 2006
Q. What’s the most unique game promotion or fan entertainment offer you’ve experienced lately?
A. The Houston Comets of the WNBA have a unique promotion and fan engagement activity they offer this season. It’s an enter to win contest called “Houston Comets VIP Bench Ticket Sweepstakes,” where a lucky winner will receive two VIP ticket packages to a Comets game against the Seattle Storm on Aug 12 at the Toyota Center in Houston.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Who’s Your Mentor?
July 7th 2006
Q. Who’s your mentor?
A. Wow, as someone who believes we should all have at least one mentor, I can’t think of one person who I look at as a mentor to me at this time.
But, I’ve been fortunate over the years to have so many people in my life – teachers, coaches, colleagues, my wife and even my kids – who have taught me so much.
I enjoy learning and look at everyone as someone who I can learn from and who can teach me something.
Who’s your mentor?
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Innovate to Starve Off Stagnation
July 6th 2006
Q. I often hear we need to be “innovative” in order to starve off stagnation. What can we do stay ahead of the curve in order to be innovators in the sports business?
A. You can start with this article, Fighting Innovation Stagnation written in Fortune Magazine. It features “10 things to watch out for if you want to stay on top.”
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Most Important in Sales
July 5th 2006
Q. What do you feel is most important in sales?
A. Some say the product or service, and others may say strong sales skills. I’ve always believed sales start and end with trust. You must always be trustworthy.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Importance of Sales Executive Sales Plans
July 4th 2006
Q. How important is it that sales representatives have individual sales plans?
A. Individual sales executive plans are vital to sales success, but more important than the plan itself is using the plan.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Frequent Flyer and Frequent Buyer Programs
July 3rd 2006
Q. I’ve read stories the last few months about how frequent flyer programs aren’t what they used to be and how they’re more of a frequent buyer program versus a frequent flyer program. Do you feel the sports business could benefit much like airlines have from its frequent flyer programs?
A. As a frequent flyer I’ve read from time-to-time articles related to frequent flyer and buyer programs and fascinated by the success airlines have had with the frequent flyer programs.
This year marks 25 years since some of the first programs were launched and published an online story you can read here on how the various programs have evolved over the years.
Frequent flyer programs have proven successful and I know of handful of teams that have benefited over the years with frequent buyer (or loyalty card) programs. College sports have benefited greatly from priority points systems, which are similar in many ways to frequent buyer or loyalty programs.
If you determine or goals and objectives and structure your program accordingly you’re likely to see positive results.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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