Challenges and Opportunities in Fan Research
March 16th 2009
Q. We’d like to conduct some fan research with surveys, but we haven’t conducted a fan or season ticket holder survey in years. Could you share insights or best practices?
A. I read a great article from the Pew Research Center – a great resource for numbers, facts and trends – that addressed the challenges and opportunities facing communication research.
The article – New Tricks for Old – and New – Dogs – is a commentary adapted by Scott Keeter from a keynote address to the 31st Annual Research Symposium College of Communication and (more…)
Surveys, Focus Groups & Town Hall Meetings
September 19th 2006
Q. Do you recommend most sports teams send a survey, conduct focus groups, or host town hall meetings to gather feedback from its season ticket holders?
A. I recommend all three be conducted on an annual basis following each sport’s season; not just one of the three. Additionally, I’d include former season ticket holders to determine reasons for not renewing, as well as group leaders to gather feedback on their group event experiences.
You could also include mini plan holders and ask how they enjoyed their experiences as mini plan holders and determine what would motivate them to increase from a mini plan to a full season ticket plan.
Finally, consider sharing surveys, distributing evaluation forms, and hosting get-togethers with your corporate partners to receive feedback from each on an annual basis.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Annual Season Ticket Surveys
July 12th 2006
Q. Do you feel it is beneficial to survey season ticket holders each year, and if so, what is the best time of the year to send surveys?
A. I recommend annual surveys to season ticket holders be sent following each sports season. The timing works well for getting feedback on the season, and provides plenty of time to act on recommendations for the next season.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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