Sample Season Ticket Relocation Forms
March 31st 2008
Q. Could you provide examples of football season ticket seat relocation forms and a best practice for how a football team handles seat relocations?
A. Below are links to two sample seat relocation forms (Georgia Tech and the San Francisco 49ers) and a link to the Miami Dolphins Exclusive “Relocation Day” for season ticket holders:
Georgia Tech Football Season Seat Relocation Form
San Francisco 49ers Season Seat Relocation Form
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Issuing Credit for Unused Tickets
March 3rd 2008
Q. Do sports teams make it a practice to issue credit for unused tickets?
A. Many sports teams offer season ticket holders credit or the opportunity to exchange unused tickets for future games.
I also answered this question in a blog post in January 2007, which you can access here. I also provided a link to the Yankee’s Unused Ticket Credit Program in that blog entry that you can access from the above link.
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Unused Ticket Credit Program
January 19th 2007
Q. We’re considering some type of credit for unused tickets in a season ticket, and we’re curios to know if any sports teams offer a credit for unused tickets as part of a season ticket holder’s benefits?
A. There are some sports teams who offer credit for unused season tickets, and the New York Yankee’s are one of those teams who have an Unused Ticket Credit Program, providing season ticket holders a $5 credit for each unused ticket.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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The Ultimate Fan Rewards Program
January 12th 2007
Q. Are you aware of any sports teams that offer season ticket holder rewards, or tie in sponsors who offer special discounts for season ticket holders?
A. This is a great idea to provide added value to your season tickets as well as offer your corporate partners opportunities to connect with your most valued customers.
Check out the Columbus Blue Jackets Ultimate Fan Rewards Program as an example of offers they extend to their season ticket offers.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Season Ticket Holder Benefits
July 14th 2006
Q. In researching season ticket holder benefits, its evident pro sports teams provide many more benefits than college sports. Do you recommend college sports teams offer more benefits to its season ticket holders in an effort to increase season ticket sales?
A. It would be beneficial to college athletics programs to increase its season ticket holder benefits, as well as year-round touch points with season ticket holders. There are many experience-type events that would not cost money, but provide season ticket holders with unique and one-of-a-kind experiences they’d enjoy and share with friends, family members and co-workers who are all prospective season ticket holders.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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The Vacation Exchange Program
April 27th 2006
Q. I’ve heard many pro teams have a “vacation exchange” ticket program and curious to know how effective this is and if this is something you’d recommend for college athletics?
A. The vacation exchange program is a neat program and benefit for season ticket holders who have the opportunity to exchange unused tickets – or tickets they’re unable to use because they’re on vacation or have a schedule event conflict – for tickets to a future game. (more…)