Encouragement for New Sales Managers
January 5th 2009
Q. As a new sales manager, I’d like to know two or three important things I should do to ensure I get off to a successful start?
A. One of the things I encourage first-time managers to do is get to know their staff. Schedule weekly one-on-one meetings and ensure you’re in tune with each staff member’s day-to-day progress with their goals and development, celebrating successes and benchmarks they’ve achieve, as well as working together to overcome any challenges they may be experiencing. (more…)
Looking Over My Shoulder
March 9th 2007
Q. Lately, I feel a great deal of pressure, as though everything I do is being scrutinized by my boss. I spend more time worrying than actually doing things. Any tips on how to get out of this negative routine?
A. The first thing you can do is address whatever weakness you may have by improving each day. Identify what you need to improve and do everything you can to improve, which in turn will increase your confidence and leadership strength. (more…)
Motivating an Unmotivated Staff
November 13th 2006
Q. I’ve had a challenging time motivating a staff member who hasn’t been as productive with sales as we need this staff member to be. Is there a book or two you could recommend for picking up some tips and strategies for motivating staff?
A. Here are three: “151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff,” by Jerry R. Wilson; “1001 Ways to Energize Employees,” by Bob Nelson; and “The 24-Carrot Manager,” by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Who’s Your Mentor?
July 7th 2006
Q. Who’s your mentor?
A. Wow, as someone who believes we should all have at least one mentor, I can’t think of one person who I look at as a mentor to me at this time.
But, I’ve been fortunate over the years to have so many people in my life – teachers, coaches, colleagues, my wife and even my kids – who have taught me so much.
I enjoy learning and look at everyone as someone who I can learn from and who can teach me something.
Who’s your mentor?
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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