Fast Forward 10 Years
October 6th 2008
Q. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
A. I see myself doing only things that I passionately enjoy, and much of the time that involves assisting others in some way.
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College Athletics Strategic Planning
April 18th 2007
Q. We hear a lot about strategic planning, but I don’t believe we do a very good job of it in college athletics. Could you provide some best practices, a strategic planning template, or other guidelines to get us started?
A. The NCAA put together a great strategic planning document called “Strategic Planning – The NCAA Experience,” which is a 13-page document that should successfully guide you through your strategic planning process.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Importance of Sales Executive Sales Plans
July 4th 2006
Q. How important is it that sales representatives have individual sales plans?
A. Individual sales executive plans are vital to sales success, but more important than the plan itself is using the plan.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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