College Student Support Groups
February 28th 2007
Q. We are looking to develop a basketball student group that is organized by our athletic department but primarily run by the students. Could you please share some ideas from some of the best students groups in college athletics?
A. Check out the Texas A&M 12th Man Rewards Program for onr of the best run student groups offered by college athletics.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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College Students Attendance at Games
July 20th 2006
Q. Our students can attend our football games as a part of their activities fee, but we still struggle to get students to games. What are the best strategies for increasing college student attendance at football games?
A. First, I’m a big believer in asking students – as well as season ticket holders, group leaders and others – what motivates them to attend games. It sounds so simple yet not many ask the students what would motivate them. I encourage you to ask your students, listen and respond to what they tell you.
Second, in focus groups I’ve conducted with students on various campuses, they’ve communicated how they appreciate free giveaways and food, as well as when athletic departments conduct on-field promotions and contests that are especially designed for students (ie, kick a field goal for tuition waiver).
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Selling College Student Tickets Online
June 26th 2006
Q. I’ve heard of a few colleges moving its student ticket sales online. What are your thoughts on selling college students tickets to football games online?
A. I think it’s a terrific idea and more and more colleges are likely to follow this strategy. Online sports and entertainment ticket sales in recent years have increased substantially, and the transitioning college student ticket sales for college sports teams online is a great convenience for all involved, especially during the summer sales months when students are typically not on campus.
Check out the story “Student Football Season Tickets Sell Out in Record Time”, which tells how Penn State sold out its allotment of 21,000 student season tickets online in 13 days.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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