Making the Investment in Staff Retreats
March 24th 2008
Q. Do you feel colleges and professional sports teams should host annual staff retreats?
A. Absolutely. Not only are annual staff retreats beneficial, I’d recommend you consider a mid-year check-up where you and your staff go off-site and evaluate the first half of what you’ve done well and what you could improve in the second half.
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Unique Place to Host Annual Staff Retreat
May 31st 2006
Q. We’re looking for a unique place to host an off-site staff retreat. What would you recommend?
A. I’ve heard the Walt Disney World Resort offers unique experiences and settings for meetings and its attendees with the Disney Institute and the opportunity to go behind the scenes. They have professional development programs that would likely enhance your annual staff meetings and provide employees with a “magical” experience, as they say at Walt Disney World.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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