Attend Grad School During Down Economy
January 19th 2009
Q. I’m looking for some career advice. I recently graduated from college and I’ve been looking for an entry-level sales position. With the economy in bad shape, would you recommend I continue looking or attend graduate school?
A. I’m frequently asked this question, but your observation about the economy and considering the option to attend graduate school is a fantastic idea during this time.
Colleges offer more graduate assistantships and stipends than ever before, and you not only receive hands-on, practical experience in your field of study, but your tuition, room and board, and books are paid (more…)
Sports Management Degree Versus MBA
April 4th 2007
Q. Do you recommend receiving an MBA or a Master’s in Sports Management? I have heard positive things about both, and was wondering if you could give me a little more insight into the pros and cons of both?
A. Great question and I believe the answer depends on the schools you’re considering and the curriculums, as well as how those classes and requirements match up with what you would like to do in sports. (more…)
Real World Work or Graduate School
May 30th 2006
Q. I have an opportunity to land an entry-level job right out of undergraduate school or accept a graduate assistantship and work towards my master’s degree. Which do you feel I should choose?
A. Do what is going to be best for you now AND in the future. Many times we make decisions based on today versus looking at the big picture. The entry-level job will always be there. I’d choose the graduate assistantship and master’s degree route, which I did many years ago, and would do it again if I did it all over again.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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