Leadership Resource Recommendations
September 4th 2006
Q. I’d like to improve my leadership skills and I’d appreciate you providing me with leads to resources you’d recommend for an up and coming leader?
A. Author John Maxwell has written a number of books on leadership and also has a complimentary eNewsletter – Leadership Wired – that you may enjoy. You can check out John’s web site for more information.
I’ve read two of John’s leadership books – The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader’s Day – and they’re both pretty good reads.
If you’re looking for a sports specific leadership book, you may want to check out Sports Leaders & Success by Investor’s Business Daily.
Two other books I’ve enjoyed on the subject of leadership are: Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute and The Serving Leader by Jennings and Stahl-Wert.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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