Encouragement for New Sales Managers
January 5th 2009
Q. As a new sales manager, I’d like to know two or three important things I should do to ensure I get off to a successful start?
A. One of the things I encourage first-time managers to do is get to know their staff. Schedule weekly one-on-one meetings and ensure you’re in tune with each staff member’s day-to-day progress with their goals and development, celebrating successes and benchmarks they’ve achieve, as well as working together to overcome any challenges they may be experiencing.
Scheduling time to observe, listen and coach/mentor sales executives with their calls, or by going on appointments are excellent opportunities to assist with the development of sales executives in a proactive way.
It’s also important to invest time outside the office tor non-work related and fun team activities. I’ve found this to be a great opportunity to get to know staff away from the office and for each of the staff to get to know me in a more relaxed setting, which usually strengthens our overall relationships.
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