Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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Maximize Your Vacation Time

June 16th 2008

Q. What are your thoughts on utilizing vacation days and the message that may be sent to the boss, employer, and co-workers when all vacation days are utilized annually?

A. As someone who once went a stretch of 11 years (yes, 11 consecutive years) without taking one vacation or sick day, I’m proud to say I fully maximize and enjoy my vacation days.

When an individual maximize their vacation days, I believe the only message sent to a boss, co-workers and the employer is that you enjoy all areas of your life, and you have a proper perspective of your work/life versus being overly committed to your work, experiencing burnout, and not enjoying life to its fullest.

In order to stay sharp, on top of our game, and fully maximize our abilities at work, I believe it’s essential to schedule vacations or time for myself to rejuvenate, recharge, and have fun.

I encourage you to read “The Case for Taking Vacations,” an article published a few weeks ago in The Wall Street Journal.  It supports how taking vacations and getting away from work can make you more productive when you return to the office, and how employers are more receptive today than ever before because they recognize the health and productivity benefits employees receive as a result of utilizing their vacations.
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