Fan Appeal of Gymnastics and Volleyball
April 5th 2007
Q. Why do you think women’s collegiate gymnastics and volleyball commonly draw more fans than women’s basketball at most colleges that offer these three sports?
A. I’ve always felt the fan appeal for college gymnastics and volleyball is the fact both sports are not as common to kids and adults.
Not many people can twist, flip and tumble like a gymnast, and there aren’t too many people who can jump high enough to kill a volleyball over the net as your average college volleyball student-athlete.
As a result, there seems to be fewer comparisons made between women’s gymnastics and volleyball to men’s sports.
On the other hand, when it comes to women’s basketball, most people have picked up a basketball, dribbled and attempted a shot or two.
Additionally, fans are consistently comparing the men’s basketball game to the women’s.
Whether it’s the on-court athleticism or the attendance at basketball games, fairly or unfairly, women’s basketball games are judged against men’s basketball games.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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