Family Fun Science Fair
February 6th 2007
I never knew a science fair could be fun, but I guess that’s because when I was in school, I don’t remember “science” as fun.
But, fast forward a few years (okay, several years) and the elementary schools are hosting an annual “Family Fun Science Night” that this year attracted over 450 junior scientists!
The kids experimented with dry ice bubbles, blasted balloons with air-zooka blasters, made bouncy balls, gooey slime and U.V. Detectors. Well, no wonder the kids had fun. We certainly didn’t get to experiment with those kinds of things when I was in school…or maybe we did and I just wasn’t paying attention.
Anyway, there was also cotton candy treats available for the 4th, 5th and 6th graders who each displayed their science projects for family and friends to see.
Students were awarded for finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each grade, and there was also a best of show.
So of course I read about this neat event and thought “What if we hosted a similar event at basketball game this winter, a baseball game in the spring or a football game in the fall? All kids bring a science display could receive tickets underwritten by a sponsor, and parents and friends could purchase specially discounted tickets.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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