Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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Movie Business Building Brand Loyalty

July 31st 2006

Movie theaters are conducting a variety of promotions to increase ticket sales, build brand loyalty, and awareness, including giving away 10,000 key tags at a baseball game that is good for a bag of free popcorn at the movie theaters through August.

Check out the full story here, which features many promotions and out of the box ideas theaters have created to increase ticket sales.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Drake Offers Parking Pass and Flexibility

July 28th 2006

Drake athletics is offering a complimentary parking pass for the home opener with the purchase of a season ticket, as well as a home opener ticket package that includes two general admission vouchers good for any other home Drake football game.

Check out the full story here.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Catch Me at My Best

July 27th 2006

I recently stayed in a Hilton Hotel and noticed a “Catch Me at My Best” card at the gift shop.

On the front of the card the headline reads “Be Happy. Pass it on.” The copy states: “If I’ve made your day or brightened your stay in any way, please fill out this card and turn it in at the front desk. And thanks for taking the time to Catch Me at My Best!”

On the backside of the card is the headline “Catch Me at My Best” and reads: Dear General Manager, I caught (fill in the Hilton employee’s name here) at his/her best!”  There are several lines to fill in the details of how you caught the employee at their best, and then the states “Sincerely” (fill in your name), Date (fill in the date) and “Room Number/Department.”

The addition of “Department” is neat because Hilton employees can catch each other doing things well and notify management.

This is a neat program that any sports team, college athletics program or business could implement.  However, be aware that Hilton has a trademark on “Catch Me at My Best.”

Ron Goch, The Telios Group 
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Online Summer Sidewalk Sale

July 26th 2006

I recently received an email alerting me to an online summer sidewalk sale.

Although this email didn’t come from a sports team or college athletics department, I did think of the two and asked that great question “Why Not?”

Why not annually offer a summer sidewalk sale and include a special discount to your fans on team merchandise?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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LSU Offers Cyber-Side Chat

July 25th 2006

We’ve all heard of the fire-side chats, and many of you have likely read numerous online Athletic Director Forums – a monthly Q&A.  LSU has combined the two for “Cyber-Side Chat” with LSU’s Director of Athletics Skip Bertman.

You can read the most current Cyber-Side Chat, as well as the archives, here.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group 
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Hawaii Offers Students Bus Transportation

July 24th 2006

In an attempt to increase student attendance at home football games, the University of Hawaii is offering students complimentary bus transportation to all home football games.

Additionally, school officials are looking into broadcasting Hawaii’s home opener at Alabama at a campus location, and planning to designate one of its home games “Student Night” with various promotions tailored to the students.

You can read the full story here.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Purchase Seasons and Your a Co-Owner

July 21st 2006

Have you ever thought about offering co-ownership of your team to each person who invests in your season tickets?

The Manchester United Football Club has extended this offer to its season ticket holders and you can read more about it here.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Ticketmaster Offers Online Presale Discount

July 20th 2006

I received an email this week from Ticketmaster which offered me a freestyle motocross presale discount offer.

You can check out the offer here.

This offer can be extended by any sports ad entertainment organization – first to season ticket holders, followed by group leaders and then your online subscribers – all before you offer to the general public.

Give it a try and see how many tickets you sell before your actual on-sale day.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Practice Your Sale Closers

July 19th 2006

Do you have a list of your best sales closers? If so, good for you! If not, why not? In order to become a solid sale closer, you need to practice. The only way you can practice is if you know what you’re going to communicate to customers. Here are a couple ticket sales closers (questions) to get you started on practicing your sales close:

Have you decided on where you’d like to sit?

How would you like to pay for your tickets?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Make One More Call

July 18th 2006

Here’s an easy way to go the extra mile, increase your sales call volume, and over time, you’ll also increase revenues. When you get to the end of the day and you’re about to depart for the day, stop and make one more call. Do this each day this week, and try it again next week. Get into the habit of making “one more call” at the end of the day and you’ll likely be one of the top sales executives on your team.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Falcons to Host Football Academy

July 17th 2006

In August, the Atlanta Falcons will host its annual Football Academy, which last year attracted over 450 female Falcon fans from eight states who learned the Xs and Os of football from current and former Falcons players.

This is a great example of a clinic that sports organizations could host featuring one or more of its sports teams, along with tying in tickets for a game.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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DHL to Salute Hometown Heroes

July 14th 2006

DHL, the official express delivery and logistics provider of Major League Baseball, recently unveiled a national “Hometown Heroes” campaign.

You can read the full story here, which appeared online earlier this week, courtesy of


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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A Lesson in Sticking with Branding Campaign

July 13th 2006

In the article Pirates Keep Branding Campaign it outlines a great lesson on sticking with a branding campaign, even when a sports team is stumbling with its on-field performance.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Effective Data Mining for Sports Organizations

July 12th 2006

According to The Sport Journal: “Although data mining has not been as widely employed in sport as it has in business, various successful applications in sport still exist. The following observations demonstrate how effective data mining can be for sport organizations and how sport organizations benefit from implementing data mining.”

You can read the entire article on sports data mining here.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Man Denied Bag Files Suit against Angels

July 11th 2006

Did you hear or read the story about a Los Angeles psychologist who filed a sex and age discrimination suit against the Angel’s baseball team because he was denied a red nylon tote bag last Mother’s Day at an Angel’s game last season?

If you missed this one, or if you think I’m kidding, you can read the story here.

The story has a happy ending since the LA psychologist received not only one, but four red nylon tote bags.

Those of you who create these specially targeted game-day promotions, take note that the Angels responded this year by offering tote bags to the first 25,000 fans over 18, rather than cater specifically to women.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Blue Rocks Celebrate Annual Give Birth Day

July 10th 2006

The Wilmington Blue Rocks baseball team hosts a Give Birth Day annually and this season 20 expectant mothers participated. Although the Blue Rock’s promotion awards prizes to the mother who gives birth the closest to the first pitch of a selected home game, other baseball teams have hosted similar promotions on or near Labor Day.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Increase Attendance and Sponsorship Sales

July 7th 2006

College and promotional sports have brought a new meaning to multi-tasking by developing creative and fan engaging promotions that also attract sponsors and give back to the community.

One good example of this is the Chicago White Sox Mullet Night sponsored by Great Clips. Check out the line up of activities the Sox game operations staff put together in collaboration with its sponsorship sales and community relations teams when the Sox host the Rangers on Fri., July 21 and create a similar game day/night experience for your fans:

Mullet Night
Got Mullet? Celebrate a classic American hairstyle, the mullet.

Rock your mullet to the beat of the band Hairbanger’s Ball. These rockers come complete with the monster hair, the tattoos, the leopard print spandex and all the make-up you can handle.
Gate 3:
Let your mullet loose as you jam with the band Posin, a touring tribute act to the 80s band Poison.
Gate 5:
Party with Covergurl, a high energy rock-n-roll experience.
Don’t have a mullet? Have a stylist at one of four Great Clips haircut stations located throughout the ballpark trim one up for you. Donations will be accepted to benefit the Ronald McDonald House and Chicago White Sox Charities.

March your mullet over to Gate 1 by 6:45 pm where mullet men and women will parade their classic cuts around the warning track (weather permitting). Wigged mullets will be accepted. Parade limited to the first 500 mullets. Each mullet marchers will receive a free Great Clips Mullet Night T-shirt.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group 
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Free Gas for Life

July 6th 2006

Shell is giving away free gasoline. Get this, for life!

With today’s gas prices I thought that might catch your attention. I know I was intrigued to read the story, Shell Gives Away Free Gas for Life. You can also read another blurb about Shell’s $30 million marketing campaign.

Could a similar campaign with a sport twist work with a “season tickets for life” promotion?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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What Can We Learn from the World Cup?

July 5th 2006

Have you watched any of the World Cup soccer games? The event atmosphere at most of the games has been mind boggling when you think about soccer and how the traditional sports fan typically views soccer and a soccer game.

If you haven’t kept up with the fanatical stories, you may want to check out this story – Germany’s Carnival of Culture – where you may just be as amazed as I am at the fans and event activities, and you may even pick up a tip or two to spice up your sporting events!


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Taking Advantage of a Hot Market

July 4th 2006

Not only is the weather hot these summer days in Cincinnati, but so is the Bengals franchise.

I recently read the story How Suite the Summer and thought you may be interested to read how Cincinnati continues to take advantage of a hot market ever since its playoff run, and some of the creative strategies they’ve employed to sell tickets and generate revenues.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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We Should All Give Free Balloons

July 3rd 2006

If you have kids and have enjoyed a lunch or dinner at a family restaurant, your kids have likely been asked, “Would you like a balloon?” and predictably your child has said “yes” with an ear-to-ear grin.

Well, I was recently in an electronics store with my wife and youngest daughter and as we were checking out, the gentleman behind the counter asked our daughter those five words that always make our kids smile: “Would you like a balloon?” Of course she said yes with her trademark grin.

It finally hit me. Our kids have been saying “yes” to those balloons for years, and I’m not sure why it didn’t register before, but for some reason this transaction hit me right between the eyes.

I turned to my wife, as the gentleman handed our daughter her “free” balloon with the electronic store’s name boldly printed on it, and said “Do you want a balloon? He should have just said, ‘Would you like to advertise our store for a day?’”

So, if you’d like to recruit some children to advertise for your sports team or showcase your logo around town for the cost of balloons, helium and string, there’s likely a whole lot of children who will respond as walking billboards just as my kids have for many years.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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