Make Excellence a Habit
January 1st 2007
As Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.” Make excellence a habit for you in 2007.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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The Man Who Is Successful
December 5th 2006
Yesterday I shared a simple but powerful quote on success.
Although a bit longer, this quote by Robert Louis Stevenson is one of the best quotes I’ve read on success:
“The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.”
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Simple Success Formula
December 4th 2006
According to O. A. Battista, “If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple: Know what you’re doing. Love what you’re doing. And believe in what you’re doing.”
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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