Ron Goch
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January 23, 2025

It took me three tries but I finally accomplished the 10-Day Challenge, which according to Anthony Robbins, is going 10 days without a negative thought.

When I first attempted the 10-Day Challenge back on April 5, I thought it would be as easy as it sounded, but found myself falling short.  I’ve always been optimistic and positive…so I thought, but through the 10-Day Challenge and staying focused on my attitude continuously, I learned where and when I display and express negative thoughts.

On my third try of the 10-Day Challenge, I actually found myself focusing on each of my responses daily. I’d consciously think before I spoke and ensure positive thoughts and positive words.

I didn’t think it would be a difficult thing to do, but I discovered a key ingredient to being positive through the process.  I learned that if I look for the “good” in every situation I’m likely to find good things, think good things, and catch those around me doing good things. Sounds fairly simple, right? Well, for me, someone who expects and strives for the best effort and the best outcome, it was easier said than done.

But finally, I accomplished the 10-Day Challenge, and as a result have learned I need to continue to do a better job looking for the good in every situation.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

There’s likely someone you know who is so well “connected, ” you’re envious at how many “connections” this person has and how s(he) in an instant can refer someone who can likely assist you with something…even if it’s in another state!

I’ve been blessed over the years to know a number of well connected people, and also know a few who I’d call “connectors” – friends who are very good at connecting me with other people, and who graciously do this without me asking for an introduction. They simply call or send me an email from time-to-time and say, “I met someone today who I think you should meet.”

I enjoy meeting people so I’m excited whenever an opportunity like this is presented to me from a friend, associate, or someone I’ve just recently met.

This excitement has motivated me to become a better “connector.” I find myself each day looking for opportunities to connect people who may be able to help each other or who may simply enjoy the opportunity to meet and associate with one another.

Now, I’m not sure if I get more excited when I’m connected with someone or when I assist two people with connecting – it’s equally fun to meet people and connect people.

If you don’t consider yourself a “connector, ” you may want to give it a try and see if it’s something you feel comfortable doing and if it’s something you enjoy.

I hope you have an awesome day!


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

I was with an associate this week in Los Angeles and he was searching for an open parking space when we spotted one after several minutes.

As the vehicle in front of us passed the spot, and we were just about to pull into the open parking space, the vehicle ahead of us stopped and started to back into the spot.  My friend immediately applied his brakes so the woman in the SUV could back into the spot.

My friend expressed his surprise she decided to back into the spot, knowing there weren’t too many open spots and the fact we were following fairly closely behind her, and she likely had an idea we too were in search of a parking spot.  He actually had the pace – and time – to pull into the open space, but chose to be courteous and allow the SUV to have the spot.

As the woman maneuvered her SUV into the spot, she looked at us and mouthed a word I won’t repeat, but let’s just say it had to do with a person’s backside and a hole, and her enunciation was impeccable as she slowly and emphatically mouthed the word.

At first, I was stunned, but I then smiled and laughed. I couldn’t help but laugh.  I guess I was expecting her to smile and mouth “Thank You” and instead, we received a sour look and anything but thank you.

It’s kind of like when I thought I picked up my cold glass of skim milk, and instead, I picked up my glass of orange juice and took a sip; except in this situation, it was the woman who had the sour look.

To me, it seemed a bit “crazy” this person was upset and felt the need to express her anger by mouthing her frustration in our direction. I don’t know what motivated her to be so upset and to mouth what she did, but it often happens when people are driving, and usually when that person is just a little too close to your back bumper.

In these situations, how do you respond?

I can tell you that as I grew up, I recall the common response from most people – at school, at the grocery store, or just walking down the street – was to have an even stronger negative reaction to the person; to essentially “top” whatever behavior was directed towards them.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned over the years these situations don’t have to be negative on both sides, that we have choices in how we respond to similar situations, and we can actually respond in a positive way or respond by showing no response.

In the case of this person who mouthed what she did to us, I chose to smile, laugh and let it go as someone likely not having a very good day or that she may have viewed the situation differently than how we viewed it.

I didn’t always handle situations that way, and there certainly are occasions when I could handle situations much better than I do, but I have found it much more fun to respond in a positive way or to respond by showing no response, than it is to respond negatively.

I encourage you to look for a similar opportunity today and see what you can do to defuse the situation by not showing a negative response, or surprise the other person by showing a positive response and see how you feel.  You may even smile and laugh as I did, which feels a whole lot better than getting upset.

In fact, I’m smiling and laughing right now as I think back to that LA parking lot!  Have fun, smile and laugh today…no matter what situation is presented to you.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

I once read a story that Ted Leonsis, who is a professional sports team owner and vice chairman of AOL, created a 101 Life Goals List in the 80s following an emergency plane landing when Ted realized life can end at any time.  One week after his plane experience, he wrote his list.

I read about Ted’s story several years ago and decided it would be a neat exercise for myself and created my own Life Goal List.  On that list includes running in a marathon, and for those of you who know me or follow this blog, know I’ve been training this year to run in my first marathon in six weeks.

Last year I read an article that Oprah had completed a marathon some years back and for some reason I felt motivated to start training to accomplish one of my life goals of running in a marathon.

Both of these experiences have been tremendous.  I’ve enjoyed having life goals and working towards achieving each one and have very much enjoyed the challenge of training to run in a marathon in six weeks.

If you don’t have a life goals list, I encourage you to check out Ted’s list, which is posted on his blog. I think you’ll enjoy the exercise and experience of achieving your life goals.

If you’ve never run in a marathon, I also encourage you to do some research and check out some training plans.  Depending on your present physical condition, the training could be as little as 16 weeks, and that takes into consideration first-time marathoners.

I hope you have an awesome day!

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Whether I’m on a plane (as I was this morning), or at church (as I was yesterday), or at a sporting event (as I am frequently) – I prefer an isle seat.

How about you? Do you like the isle seat, window seat or does it matter?

What does that say about me and others who prefer an isle seat wherever we go? Does it mean we like our leg space? I do. Does it mean we like access to the isle without jumping over someone on a plane, at church or at a sporting event? I know I prefer the freedom versus jumping over someone to exit a row.

I’m not sure if it means anything at all. I just found it ironic yesterday, as I drifted off in thought, that I enjoy an isle seat wherever I go. I only thought of this when it came to flying, but now that I’ve thought about where I sit at most events, it’s on the isle whenever it’s available.

How about you?  Do you prefer an isle seat, or do you like the window seat when you fly?  How about when you attend events, does it matter whether you’re on the isle or in the middle of the seats?

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Where is your focus – today, yesterday, at this very moment, for the future? 

What do you focus on each day? Do you focus on positive thoughts? Do you focus on the moment or dream about what you can achieve?

Do you control your thoughts or do your thoughts control you?

Do you choose your attitude? It is a choice we all have…not only each day, but every moment of every day. It’s quite empowering to think we can control our attitude and essentially each of the outcomes of our life.

We have choices.

Do you find opportunity in every difficulty or difficulty in every opportunity?  Do you relish a challenge or shy away from challenges?

Sometimes it’s easier to feel like the lion tamer who put an ad in the newspaper: “Lion tamer – wants tamer lion.”

When you start the day, do you tackle the easy things first, or the most difficult and less desirable tasks?

Where’s your focus?

Are you focused on improving every chance you can or do you know most of what there is to know?

I’m focused on having an AWESOME day and I hope you do as well!

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Have you tried the 10-Day Challenge Yet?  If this is the first you’ve heard of the 10-Day Challenge, you can go here to learn more about it in last Friday’s blog post.

I’ve enjoyed the 10-Day Challenge.  It’s making me think about my choices much more than I usually do and there’s no question I’m more positive.  If you haven’t given it a try, I encourage you to take the challenge.  For some of you, it may be easy and for others, it may be challenging as it has been for me.  Either way, it should be a worthwhile experience for you.

Let’s make today an AWESOME day!

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Can every experience be a learning experience? Probably not.

What if we looked at every experience today from a learning perspective versus what we already know or what we’ve heard before?

I recently heard someone say that often we think we know something just because we’ve heard it before, but just because we’ve heard it before doesn’t mean we’ve actually learned it.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

In today’s Sales Team Thoughts for Today, I have the following thoughts from Jeffrey Gitomer:

“Fifty percent of success is believing you can. Simply put, you become what you think about. Why do salespeople fail? Because they think they will. Do you have a positive attitude? Everyone will say yes, but less than 1 in 1, 000 actually do! One-tenth of 1%.  Are you really in that small percentile?”

For many of you, Gitomer’s thoughts and question make you think and ask the same question “Am I really in that small percentile?” And the answer is “yes.” But the answer doesn’t have to remain “yes.” It can change today to a confident “No I’m not!”

Think about it. Before today’s 8-mile training run, I have two choices of thought – to either think about negatively and let it bring my attitude down or I can think about it, smile and get excited…take it head on and enjoy the run, enjoy the pain, and enjoy the fact I’m moving a few strides closer to accomplishing my goal of running a marathon.

Heck, simply choosing to be positive puts us halfway there! Whether it’s in sales, a long run or the attitude we choose today, all we need to do is BELIEVE in ourselves.  How easy is that?

Thinking positive isn’t very difficult for me. I like having positive thoughts and enjoy believing in myself and others, but we all have those challenging moments when life throws us a curve and something isn’t as easy as we thought it might be. Those are the moments that test a person’s optimism. Those are the moments I’m going to focus on today.

Let’s look for the curve balls today. Let’s be prepared, because someone at some point is going to throw us one. And when they do, I can visualize hitting it out of the park and just smiling. As Gitomer says, “Fifty percent of success is believing you can.”

Believe you can and you will be successful.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

When I set the goal to run a marathon one day, I didn’t expect all the benefits that have come along with the training.

Along with improving my health, I’ve gained a new level of respect for long distance runners.  I was a sprinter through college, so the miles of long distance work is all new to me…and a bit of a shock to my body.

I remember years ago when in college, I received a call from my brother telling me that he was not going out for the high school football team the next year so he could run cross country.  My first thought was “Are you crazy? You’re going to give up football so you can run long distances – no ball, just flat-out run for mile after mile? Why?”

My brother was convinced he could be a “pretty good” long distance runner and shared with me that he really didn’t “enjoy hitting people.”  Now, this is where I really started thinking my brother may have taken one too many hits rather than dishing out a few hits to his fellow teammates.

He was playing defensive back, and hitting was the FUN part of the position.  A wide receiver runs across the middle and just as he stretches out his arms and places his fingertips on the leather of the football – WHAP! – you split the numbers on his jersey.

Well, I thought I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell my brother that I felt he was making a big mistake by giving up football to run cross country, and how he’d regret his decision years down the road.

Wow, was I ever wrong.

Within a year, my brother was calling me back telling me how he was really enjoying being a part of the cross country team, and how well he was performing during the regular season meets.  I was stunned.  I said “really?” as if I needed to be more convinced he was really enjoying running. He shared with me that he was hoping to do well at conference, the regional, and get this – his goal was to run in the state meet. All I could say was “really?” with a bit more emphasis.

To my surprise, my brother did go on to run in the state cross country meet and was not only one of the standout runners on his team his junior and senior years, but he was one of the best in the state.  I couldn’t have been more proud of my brother, the decision he made, and the valuable lesson he taught me.

I’ve carried that lesson with me every day and it’s become especially helpful with our kids when they decide which activities they want to pursue. My wife and I decided early on to support whatever activities the kids choose to pursue.

As for my own pursuit to run a marathon and what I’ve gained, I have benefited from a health standpoint.  I was hopeful to lose weight, but to my surprise, I haven’t lost much weight.  I feel great; have deflated the tire around my waist a bit, but I haven’t “slimmed down” as I thought I would from running the long miles.

The mental benefits have been more than I expected. I thought it was pretty cool to multitask by running and listening to business CDs, especially during long runs, but have transitioned this past week to running with no headsets and instead focusing 100 percent on running, listening to my body, and remaining in a consistent pace throughout my runs.  It’s amazing how this change has helped me be less winded and much more “dialed in” on my runs.

If you’ve never run a marathon and thinking it might be something you’d like to try, I encourage you to read a few stories about the many benefits to running and give it a shot.  So far, it’s been an amazing experience for me.

Here are three articles I hope are helpful on the benefits of running a marathon:

So You Wanna Run a Marathon?

Benefits of Running/Jogging Community

Running: Is it the Right Exercise for You?

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

On Wed, Apr 5, I shared with you information on the 10-Day Challenge, which according to Tony Robbins, all you have to do is go 10 days without a negative thought to successfully complete the “Challenge.”

What I’ve learned is this isn’t as easy as it sounds.  I’ve been trying it the last nine days, and due to a negative thought and here and there, I’ve had to start over, which Robbins outlines in his book “Awaken the Giant Within.”

I’ve found this challenge to be a great exercise, and one that has shown me how and when I’m negative.

Today I’m going to give it another shot by starting off the day with positive thoughts and hope I remain positive, no matter what the circumstances may be today.

Give the 10-Day Challenge a shot and see how you do.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

Average Rating: 4.5 out of 5 based on 187 user reviews.

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January 23, 2025

John C. Maxwell in Failing Forward asks the questions: “What’s the root of achievement? What makes the difference? Why do some people achieve so much? Is it family background? Wealth? Opportunity? High Morals? The absence of hardship?

“No, none of these things are the key, ” according to Maxwell. “When it comes right down to it, I know of only one factor that separates those who consistently shine from those who don’t: The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure. Nothing else has the same kind of impact on people’s ability to achieve and to accomplish whatever their minds and hearts desire.”

An intriguing question I’ve often heard and one you may want to ask yourself today is: “If the possibility of failure were erased, what would you attempt to achieve?”


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

If we could shrink the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following.

There would be 57 Asians; 21 Europeans; 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south; 8 Africans; 52 would be female; 48 would be male; 70 would be non-white; 30 would be white; 70 would be non-Christian; 30 would be Christian; 89 would be heterosexual; 11 would be homosexual; 6 people would possess 59 percent of the entire world’s wealth (all 6 would be from the U.S.); 80 would live in substandard housing; 70 would be unable to read; 50 would suffer from malnutrition; 1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth; 1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education; 1 would own a computer.

When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent. – Author Unknown


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 262 user reviews.

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January 23, 2025

The enthusiasm of a child can be contagious.

Last night, as I was reading a book, I heard our six-year-old daughter and her cousin – who were enjoying a “sleepover” – chanting in unison, “What’s it going to take? Team work!  What’s it going to take? Team work!”  They just kept repeating it over and over and over again.

I couldn’t see them, but I could hear them marching through the house and I could tell they were smiling, giggling and enjoying themselves.

It was a catchy chant that I overheard my daughter say she picked up from a movie.  All I know is I was envious of their enthusiasm and energy, especially since it was going on 11 pm!

How many times have you looked at a child and said, “Wow, I wish I had her energy!”  Why is it that kids seem to have tremendous amounts of energy and enthusiasm the majority of their waking hours and most adults don’t seem to have that same kind of youthful enthusiasm and energy?

And when an adult is smiling, happy and bouncing around the house or office with youthful energy, we feel compelled to ask: “What are you so happy about?” as if it’s a rarity versus the norm.  Why isn’t this the norm for most adults?

Although the girls were still sleeping this morning when I climbed out of bed, I could still see their smiling faces marching through the house as the chant replayed in my head, “What’s it going to take? Team work!” I couldn’t help but smile and feel motivated to have that same kind of enthusiasm and energy today.

As the late Jim Valvano once said, “How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? I think you have to have an enthusiasm for life.”

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

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January 23, 2025

Good news!  I can run 26.2 miles…the distance of a marathon.  Well, if given a week to run 26.2 miles!

Actually, I ran 33 miles last week, which included my longest run to date, a 14-mile run on Saturday.  Surprisingly, I can still walk.  The stairs are a bit challenging, though.

Thank goodness for “recovery days!”  I’m enjoying no running today.

The training program I’m following encourages runners not to wear headsets and listen to music, so instead, I wear headsets and listen to business CDs! 

I guess I’m not a “real runner” since I use headsets.  Oh well.  Whatever it takes, right?  Besides, what’s wrong with multi-tasking?  Due to my slow pace, I was able to listen to quite a few CDs last week!  I also learned my body could handle (barely) a 14-mile run and I picked up a few business strategies.

This week calls for a 16-mile run on Saturday, as well as the following two Saturdays, before moving up to an 18-mile long run two consecutive Saturdays, and then I get to “taper back” to a long run of nine miles.

I never imagined I’d ever say “I’ll be tapering back to nine miles.”  I’m amazed I’m running these long distances.

I’m usually pretty good at planning ahead on projects I undertake, but the truth is I was clueless to the amount of miles I‘d need to run in training workouts to prepare for a marathon. And, it’s probably a good thing because I’m not sure I would have taken this on.

Although I didn’t sleep well last night – yes, even after taking a couple Tylenol – I’m so glad I’ve taken on this challenge.  I’ve learned a great deal in a short amount of time and know once I cross the finish line in seven weeks, it’ll all be well worth it.

As they say, “No pain, no gain.”  I’ve had plenty of both.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 281 user reviews.

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January 23, 2025

Can you believe the Atlanta Hawks are giving away lower bowl tickets to see Shaq and the Miami Heat on Tues, April 18?

It’s true, but as they say, “Nothing’s FREE.”

The Hawks are offering a nice deal for anyone who places a deposit on 2006-07 Hawks season tickets.  For every $100 (per seat) deposit a person makes for 2006-07 Hawks season tickets, they will receive one Hawks-Miami lower bowl game ticket…free.

What do you think, a good deal for fans?

Many of the pro sports teams roll out its season ticket campaigns during the home stretch of its present season, and this is a good example of a team’s strategy to secure early deposits while the team is still playing versus the off-season when the team is likely not “top of mind.”

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

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January 23, 2025

With the recent Men’s and Women’s NCAA Basketball Championships, I found it interesting to read about how the Toledo Mud Hens – a great nickname for a triple-A baseball team – will celebrate its 2005 championship this week when they open the 2006 season tonight.


You can read here about all the details on how 2, 000 fans will randomly receive their very own replica championship rings on Fri, Apr 7, and how 5, 000 children will receive Championship Moments card strips on Sun, Apr 9, and a pair of Hens – well, not really “Hens, ” but Hens “players” – will sign autographs before the game.

Additionally, all fans in attendance at tonight’s Mud Hens home opener will see the team raise the Governor’s Cup Banner, and have the opportunity to see the Governor’s Cup on display at the game.

What other activities would you recommend for a championship week celebration for any team sport?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 290 user reviews.

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January 23, 2025

Have you ever heard of the “10-day challenge?”  Well, I read an article about it and it’s simple…well, I better first try to execute it before I call it “simple.”

According to Tony Robbins, to accomplish the10-day challenge, all you have to do is go 10 days without a negative thought.  What do you think?  Sound pretty easy?  It’s probably a lot harder than it sounds.

Here’s the kicker, if you indulge in a negative thought, you have to start over, according to Robbins in “Awaken the Giant Within.”

Can you do it?  What the heck, give it a shot!  It sounds like a neat challenge and one we could all benefit from achieving.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

Average Rating: 4.4 out of 5 based on 166 user reviews.

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January 23, 2025

For those of you who run or exercise, how many times have you heard “make sure you stretch before you run?”

Well, although physically stretching before you exercise has its benefits, equally important is stretching your boundaries and challenging yourself to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

It’s so much easier – and safer – to just stick to a routine, but it can be so much more rewarding when we stretch beyond our boundaries and challenge our fears versus giving into our fears.

What could you accomplish today if you stretched beyond your comfort zone?

Challenge yourself to learn something new or do something (anything) new that you’ve never done before and see what you learn from the experience.

A challenge I’ve been taking head on is stretching physically before I run, as well as stretching the mileage I run each week.  It hasn’t been easy.

One, I really don’t like to stretch, and two, I really don’t “like” running long distances.

This week – according to the marathon training schedule – I’m supposed to run 28 miles.  This doesn’t sound like a lot if I was scheduled to run each day (which would breakdown to four miles each day), but I’m only scheduled to run four days and one day includes – are you ready for this – a 14-mile run!

Now, for me, that’s a stretch!

Check back next week to see how I did this week with my stretching.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

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January 23, 2025

I was mentally preparing myself for my longest run ever – a 10-miler – when it started to rain.  I thought to myself, “Great, not only do I need to run 10 miles, but now I need to run 10 miles in the rain.”

I pushed the negative thoughts aside and stayed positive.

As I pulled on my sweats and then my sweatshirt, I heard the rain drops change to what sounded like hail bouncing off the windows of our house.  I looked outside, and sure enough, it was hailing.

I couldn’t help but start laughing.  I said aloud, “Is this a test or just an April Fools joke?”

Has this ever happened to you?  You’re all prepared to do something challenging and what seems to be quite the challenge becomes a greater challenge?  Well, this was one of those moments for me.

See, I don’t really “like” to run, but I want to complete a marathon.  In order to complete the marathon, I need to complete the marathon training, and that means stay on schedule with short and long runs each and every week.  Saturday called for 10 miles, and although I wasn’t too excited, I did mentally prepare to do what it took to complete the run.

However, I didn’t plan for rain, followed by hail.  I was excited about the sunshine and running in shorts.  It’s psychological, but I like running in the sun and not having to wear heavy sweats.  But, the weather gods had other plans.

As I finished my first five miles, I actually didn’t feel as tired or soaked as I thought I might at the five-mile point.  I thought to myself “I can do this!”  I went on to finish the second five miles and it felt awesome.  Well, my legs didn’t really feel “awesome” – more like Jell-O – but mentally, it felt awesome!

I started this week’s training with a four mile run yesterday (Sunday), have an off day today (thank goodness because I’m in Seattle and it’s – you guessed it – raining) – and tomorrow (more rain likely) I’m scheduled to run seven miles.

With two months to go to marathon day, I’m hoping it doesn’t rain on “the day, ” but if it does, I’ll have plenty of practice running in the rain!


Ron Goch, The Telios Group

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 183 user reviews.

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