Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

My wife shared an inspiring story with me that she received via email from a friend, which I’ve included in this post. It’s a great reminder of the choices we have each day and in each situation we encounter.  If you haven’t read this story previously, I hope you’ll invest a few minutes to read it and share it with someone you feel would also enjoy it.  Here’s the story:

John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, ‘If I were any better, I would be twins!’

He was a natural motivator.

If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee (more…)

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January 23, 2025

It’s typical for most people to be in a daily routine, doing the same things over and over again on a daily basis.  Depending on your “routine, ” that could be good or not so good.

The below message was shared with me by a friend via email and it resonated with me and I hope it moves you as it did me.  I encourage you to consider how you’d answer this question: “If I knew tomorrow was my last day to live, what would I choose to do today?” (more…)

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January 23, 2025

I heard some great advice today about how reacting instead of responding can create a bad situation. Make the decision to respond today instead of reacting to a situation.
Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Think about this, according to Brian Tracy, “The average person has four ideas a year which, if any one is acted on, would make them a millionaire.”

How many times do you come up with an idea and think to yourself how the idea could be of value, but than you do nothing to make it happen? You just might want to re-read Tracy’s quote above and take action on your ideas.  You now have a million reasons why.

Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Do you know someone who is so conservative, or overly negative, and it drives you absolutely crazy?

You know, the person who usually chooses to bunt his or her way to first base versus going for the home run; the person who fears failure and won’t put themselves in a vulnerable position. (more…)

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 251 user reviews.

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January 23, 2025

If you could come back as anyone – and that could be anyone – who would you want to be?

I recently heard someone ask this question to another person, and it made me think about who I’d like to come back as if I could be anyone. (more…)

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January 23, 2025

What’s Your Story?

Did you know each day each of us is writing a story…our story?  We write a few pages each day with the choices we make and things we do.

We only get one shot at today, tomorrow and this thing called life. We can live it for ourselves or we can live each day for others.

We have no idea how long we’ll have to write our stories.  All we know is we have today, because there’s no guarantee tomorrow will come, or the day after that, so we need to live for today.

What choices will you make today that will shape your life’s story?

Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

We’re free to choose and we often do.

Most people are either morning people or night people. Rarely do we find someone who is both a night and morning person.

We either like dogs or we like cats. Yes, there are “animal lovers, ” but most times I find people who either like cats or they like dogs.

How about those who like rainy days and those who’d rather stay in when it rains…or those who prefer snow over the wet rain?

We all have choices and probably more often than not, we take them for granted.

Groucho Marx once said, “Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.”As for me and my choices, I love early mornings, and don’t mind walking the dog in the rain.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Have you thought back recently to when you were a child and you told your parents, brothers, sisters and friends what you wanted to be when you grew up?

Was it a fireman, nurse, doctor, or lawyer?

I guess those are some of the more popular professions kids dream about. For me, though, it was very clear…s professional athlete. But, it was also very clear early on that this was clearly one dream that wouldn’t be coming true for me to experience.

If I knew then what I know now about working in the sports business, what I do now may have been my dream many years ago.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 263 user reviews.

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