February 12, 2025
I haven’t watched a great deal of the Olympics, but I have been able to catch a few performances here and there, and I’m amazed at the athleticism and ease in which the athletes perform.
There’s no question any of the athletes are blessed with God-given talent, but there are also those athletes who may not have the level of talent some of the competing athletes possess, yet the work they invested, and their desire and passion to compete and win earns them a special place among the best in the world.
Those are the ones I enjoy seeing compete the most. I guess because in many ways I can relate. (more…)
February 12, 2025
I received an eye-opening video from a friend titled appropriately “Never Ever Drink from Hotel Glasses.”
I watched the video and it confirmed what I often wondered, “Do those hotel glasses really get cleaned, or simply rinsed and placed back on the sink?”
If you haven’t viewed this video, I recommend you take time to check it out. It’s safe to say that after you view the video, you likely will never drink from a hotel glass again.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
Sign up for our free eNewsletter, Ripples
February 12, 2025
Some people love the fast-paced and constant challenges life presents them each day, while others enjoy the simple life that is not so fast-paced and each day isn’t filled with challenges.
I recently heard someone share how we can all enjoy a more simplistic life if that’s what we choose to do each day. (more…)
February 12, 2025
I’ve found over the years that it takes a lot of work to achieve balance between work and family, work and friends, and work and other things I enjoy doing.
I came across a story written a few years back titled, Achieving Life Balance Takes Work, and enjoyed the questions asked in the article as well as the insight offered and thought it would be beneficial to share in today’s blog post.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
Sign up for our free eNewsletter, Ripples
February 12, 2025
I read the following quote today and thought it would be appropriate to share with many of you who live a fast-paced life:
“Yes, it is wise to set goals and plan the steps to achieve them. But your most important goal should be to live a meaningful life.” — Keith M. Kent
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
Sign up for our free eNewsletter, Ripples
February 12, 2025
So many people worry, including me at times, about things we can’t control. Why is that? Human nature I suppose, but it does seem senseless. It’s also not healthy.
I read this quote today, “The hope of the world lies in what one demands, not of others, but of oneself.” – Dwight Currie’s (more…)
February 12, 2025
I was reading the newspaper and came across an advertisement with a man looking scared of something – of what, I didn’t know until I read the headline, “Real Manly Men Aren’t Afraid of a Little Prostate Cancer Screening.”
You can check out the public service advertisement by clicking on this link. (more…)
February 12, 2025
I recently heard a person share his experience of being diagnosed with cancer of the prostate and being rushed to the hospital for radical prostate cancer surgery.
This person is by all accounts a healthy individual who has exercised regularly, so he was surprised to receive the news.
Prostate cancer among men has been recognized as the No. 2 killer for over 50 years.
This gentleman described a blood test he took called the PSA that detected his prostate cancer and he encourages men who are at least 45 or older to ask their doctor for a PSA test and to continue taking one each year.
I share this with you because it just may save the life of some close to you, or possible even your own.
Have a great day and a most enjoyable weekend.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
Sign up for our free eNewsletter, the Telios Telegram
February 12, 2025
How do you rebound? I’m not talking about pulling down a rebound in basketball. I’m talking about rebounding from a stressful day or a bad week.
How long does it take you to rebound, recharge and get back to your normal routine?
How long do you let anger, frustration and stress stay with you, or are you able to forgive and forget and move on to the next thing on your list without another thought of what had you frustrated just minutes ago?
Some times that’s easier said than done, or at least I know that’s the case for me.
I’ve found a great outlet, time to think, reflect and recharge while running. It can be somewhat therapeutic in a way. It’s time I haven’t always taken for myself and I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to get away, drift off in thought, and enjoy the moment, while also getting a good workout.
If you don’t have a time in the day just for you, I encourage you to make time and you may find yourself rebounding, recharging and enjoying your days more.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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