February 13, 2025
I receive hundreds of email communications on a daily basis, and like many of you, some good and some not so good.
I try to pass along to family and friends those messages that I believe are worth reading, may have an impact, and hopefully will contribute in a positive way to the recipient’s day. That’s the goal anyway.
I don’t always succeed, but more times than not I receive many positive responses to the email communications I send to friends and family. (more…)
February 13, 2025
Have you ever felt like someone took advantage of you?
Well, there’s no question I was taken advantage of this past weekend, but the funny thing is, I loved every minute of it! Let me clarify what I mean. Our youngest daughter demanded my time and I was happy to comply. (more…)
February 13, 2025
This poem – “Slow Dance” – was written by a teenage girl who is terminally ill with cancer in a New York hospital and it was sent via email by a medical doctor.
The teenage girl wants to see how many people she can touch with her poem.
It’s quite the poem and a great reminder to each of us to slow down and enjoy life one moment at a time. (more…)
February 13, 2025
I received via email one of those inspiring stories that makes you stop and say to yourself, “Wow, I wish more of this took place today and received more widespread media attention than the negative press we see, hear and read about each day.
Here’s the story and I hope most of you enjoy it as much as I did: (more…)