Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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July 27, 2024

I love starting off a whole new year, and it’s actually hard to believe were at the tail end of the first month already.

I’m really looking forward to February, though, for three reasons: The first, Valentine’s Day, of course.  It’s one of my personal favorites. It always has been, but several years ago it became even more special when my wife and I were engaged on Valentine’s Day.  I know, not too original, but trust me, she (more…)

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July 27, 2024

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and there’s nothing I can write that hasn’t already been written about the significant impact Dr. King continues to have today.  It’s simply amazing.

If you have not watched Dr. King’s entire “I have a Dream” speech, you can view it here. Also, here is a portion of the Last Speech Dr. King delivered the day before he was assassinated in Memphis, Tenn. It’s a powerful 77 seconds of his speech.

Dr. King invested a good portion of his life fighting for justice and equality, and it’s a fitting tribute to his (more…)

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July 27, 2024

A few weeks ago, my wife purchased four boxes of Rice Krispies cereal because they were on sale for a great price.  As much as I appreciate my wife being a shrewd shopper, there’s no way I was going to consume one bowl of Rice Krispies, let alone four boxes of them.

Apparently our kids felt the same way, because not one of the boxes was opened until yesterday.  That’s when I discovered just how smart my wife is. (more…)

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July 27, 2024

The other night as my wife and I were putting our daughter to bed, we laughed about something – as we often do – and our daughter said, “Mom, red face!” with a big grin.

I asked, “What is red face?” and our daughter responded, “Whenever Mom laughs really hard, she gets a red face.”  I asked KJ how many times does she try to get Mom to have a red face each day and she said, “At least once.”

How awesome is that?   Wouldn’t it be neat if we all set a goal each day to see how many people we can get to laugh, and in some cases, so hard that they too can enjoy a red face?

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