January 23, 2025
I read a neat article the other day – How Dads Can Help – that shared statistics on how children’s performance in school improves greatly when fathers are involved in their kids school activities, events and homework.
With the downturn in the economy and many thoughts turned to finances, the article was a great reminder of our children’s needs and the positive impact fathers can have on their children’s school experiences.
I picked up a few ideas I’ll explore and felt motivated to share the article with each of the dads who may have an interest to read as well. You can access the article here.
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January 23, 2025
To get in the Thanksgiving spirit, I’m sharing a few things I came across for Thanksgiving that you may also find interesting and/or helpful.
I read the article, “Turkey Talk: Help Your Kids Understand the True Meaning of Thanksgiving, ” which shared some neat ideas parents could consider doing with their kids to get them in the Thanksgiving spirit and why we celebrate Thanksgiving each November.
A neat event a friend shared with me is “Turkey Talk with Dad, ” which is an event that was hosted at his (more…)
January 23, 2025
I was asked my definition of success and answered this question in The Telios Group’s Sept 1 “Question of the Week” blog post, and that question has led me to ask executives a simple question that isn’t always easy to answer.
The question is: How will you know you’re successful today?
A simple question, and it could be easy to answer, but only for those few people who not only set goals for the day; they also put their goals in writing, plan their day to achieve their goals, and successfully execute each of the “A” priority tasks necessary to achieve their goals and enjoy a successful day. (more…)
January 23, 2025
Technology amazes me every day.
I’m new to social networking. I joined my first online business network – LinkedIn – in January, and some months later Plaxo. Most recently, I joined Facebook and I’ve been impressed by many of the innovative “applications” created by the three social networks.
Innovative technology is everywhere, and as a business traveler, I’ve noticed the airlines introducing numerous innovative technology advancements this year to assist with speeding up check-in procedures and allowing travelers to be more efficient. (more…)