Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Each and every time I return home from a business trip, I get excited when the plane wheels touch the ground in Utah.

I get so excited to be home and to see my wife and kids.

I certainly enjoy working with clients, assisting sports executives with challenges and opportunities, and all that I have the pleasure of doing in the business of sports.

And although there are not too many experiences that are better than helping sports executives and sharing best business practices, there’s nothing that compares to returning home and hearing “Daddy’s home!” and receiving a hug from my wife and kids. It’s priceless.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

How’s Your Stick-to-itiveness?

Are You Limited By Others?

Are you limited by others expectations of you?

Do you feel like others place limitations on you?

Have you ever considered how you could overcome those limitations and exceed other people’s expectations versus believing and reinforcing those beliefs others have of you?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

I met an extraordinary person – Katie Wynn – many years ago at the University of Tennessee and thankful to call her a friend.

Katie is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. She constantly goes out of her way for people, and you can always count on Katie to follow through on whatever she says she’ll do.

One lifelong lesson I learned from Katie the first day I met her is that we can all do something special for someone – each and every day – and not expect anything in return. That’s what Katie does daily, and it’s what each of us should strive to do each day.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Yesterday I posed the question “Are you ordinary or Extraordinary?” Today’s question is “Have you empowered your business operations team members to say “Yes” to your customer’s requests?”

If so, good for you! If not, why not?

If I had to guess, “I’ll need to check with my boss” is likely more common than a team member smiling and saying “Yes, I can take care of that for you!”

Why be like everyone else with standard policies and procedures when you can do the unexpected for your customers, standout from your competitors, and deliver extraordinary customer service?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Are you, your business and your business operations team ordinary or extraordinary?

Think about it.

Do you offer ordinary or extraordinary customer service and experiences? What would your customers say – ordinary or extraordinary?

Why be ordinary like most people and businesses when you can be extraordinary?

I think this is a great question we all need to ask ourselves on a regular basis – how are we being extraordinary and delivering extraordinary experiences to our customers?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

I was flying home recently from a business trip and someone said, “You know, people should just enjoy every day life. We’re all so very lucky and some people just take life for granted and don’t just enjoy life.”

I agree, and although I’d like to think I appreciate life to the fullest, I know there are days I’m not as appreciative as I should be for all the wonderful things I’m fortunate to enjoy.

Do you enjoy everyday life, or do things need to go a certain way for you to enjoy your day?

Do you have certain expectations on what a day should be like in order for it to be a “good day” or is every day a good day?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

I usually pack the night before my business trips, and when travel day rolls around, I’m all set to go.

However, the day before a recent business trip, I was up late the night before finishing some painting I wanted to get done before leaving for my trip. Due to finishing very late and everyone being in bed, my only option was to pack the next day. My flight wasn’t departing until 5 pm the next day, so I’d have plenty of time to pack.

Well, so I thought.

As it turns out, I wake up to an early morning email from the airlines that states they cancelled my flight and placed me on a flight departing later that night and not arriving until the next day at 4 am. I appreciate the airlines re-booking my flight, but to go from a direct flight arriving at 9 pm that night to a connecting flight arriving the next day at 4 am wasn’t the ideal travel conditions for me.

So I called the airlines to see what my options were and they were able to find me a direct flight arriving at a decent hour. Terrific right? Wrong, the flight was scheduled to depart in a little over an hour.

This is where the fun began.

We live about 30 minutes from the airport and I wasn’t packed for the trip, but there was no way I wanted to be on the flight that arrived at 4 am. So…I confirmed the flight, ran through the house, packed my suitcase, packed my briefcase, dressed myself, kissed my wife and kids and ran out the door.

As I headed for the airport – which is supposed to be a 25-30 minute drive – I look at my watch and I have exactly 43 minutes before the flight departs.

I’m thankful it was a Sunday morning and people were likely either in bed or getting ready for church. I thought to myself, “Hopefully that includes are local police officers.”

I had to cut a 25-30 minute trip to 15-20 minutes (tops) to give me about 15 minutes to run from my car to airport check in, then hustle through security, and then run to the gate in time to board the flight.

Piece of cake, right?

Well, I won’t share the speeds I drove that day, or the how crazy I looked sprinting through the airport, but some how I made it just in time to board my flight.

The lesson here is always pack the night before a trip and you’ll always be prepared for the unexpected…including an early morning departure.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Did you know July is National Hot Dog Month?

I know this may sound un-American to some of you, but I don’t eat hot dogs. I likely have been called a “hot dog, ” and I like Dotson dogs, which look like a hot dog waddling down the street, but I’m not one of the people who consumed over 150 million hot dogs over the Fourth of July.

Here’s another fact I didn’t know, but thanks to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, I now know that mustard – not ketchup – is the most popular condiment.

If you’re interested to brush up on more hot dog trivia, you can visit


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

I read an interesting Brandweek Q&A regarding Callaway Golf and the importance of each business having a succession plan in place.

The Q&A with Bill Knees can be read in its entirety here.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Have you thought back recently to when you were a child and you told your parents, brothers, sisters and friends what you wanted to be when you grew up?

Was it a fireman, nurse, doctor, or lawyer?

I guess those are some of the more popular professions kids dream about. For me, though, it was very clear…s professional athlete. But, it was also very clear early on that this was clearly one dream that wouldn’t be coming true for me to experience.

If I knew then what I know now about working in the sports business, what I do now may have been my dream many years ago.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Another great message in the movie “Five People You Will Meet in Heaven” is “Our eyes aren’t the same.”

I take this to mean that what two people see may be very different. It’s sometimes amazing how that happens. Two people in the same place and in the same situation, yet they each see two very different things. How does this happen? Easily and often!


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

I watched the movie “Five People You Will Meet in Heaven” and I thought it was great movie with some wonderful life-long lessons.

One quote in the movie was something like “Don’t think about what you lose, but what others gain.”

“Sometimes when we think we’re losing something, we’re really just passing it on to someone else.”


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Over 700 million Internet users are changing business and society, but did you know over 2.1 billion people have cell phones?

I recently read a fascinated article –  
Life in a Connected World. I encourage you to take time to read the story as well as other stories here from the Fortune Brainstorm 2006 conference to learn how the Internet and other technology may impact your business today and in the future.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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January 23, 2025

Have you ever thought to yourself what people will say at your funeral? I had not thought about this question until recently when I overheard someone ask this question.

I reflected on the question and thought I’d share this intriguing question along with many other questions for you to consider.

Who do you think will attend your funeral? Who will give your eulogy?

What are you hopeful your family, friends, co-workers, church friends, neighbors and colleagues memories of you will be?

Have you given this much thought?

As an exercise, have you ever been asked to write your own obituary?

Will the stories people tell be humorous, sad, or appreciative? Will the stories reflect a life of balance, purpose, and meaning?

Have you made deposits in each of the areas of your life?

Will the honest and unguarded comments about you and the life you lived be positive and inspiring?

Have you expressed appreciation to everyone in your life?

How will you be remembered as a friend, as a husband/wife…as a son/daughter…as a neighbor…as a colleague?


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Most weeks I’m working hard, but this week isn’t one of them. In fact, I’m not working at all.

This week, one could easily accuse me of being a slacker; even lazy. I’ve yet to read a newspaper, I don’t plan on mowing our lawn, and I even slept in this morning! For someone who’s consistently up before the sun, that’s a big deal.

Work has been put on hold so I can enjoy a few days of what I thought would be rest and relaxation with my family, but we’ve actually been running from one activity to another and playing hard.

As they say, work hard and play hard. We’re definitely playing hard.

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable Fourth celebration, and I hope you too have the opportunity to play hard. Enjoy!


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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January 23, 2025

Some time ago I read “The Master Motivator” by Mark Victor Hansen and Joe Batten.

It’s one of those great short reads I encourage managers to add to their reading list.

Here are five gems Hansen and Batten layout in the book to inspire motivation: 1. “Clear expectations (goals and motives) requested firmly with caring confidence and consistency.” 2. “Base all requests (not orders) on known and suspected strengths and on the emphatic awareness of needs, desires, and fears.” 3. “Insure that full training, mentoring, and support are scheduled at all times.” 4. “Continuous, confident, and caring feedback.” 5. “Expect the best, being firm and caring.”

If you haven’t read the book, I encourage you to order a copy today. Even if you consider yourself a master motivator, you’re likely to take away several other gems besides those above.


Ron Goch, The Telios Group 

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Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 271 user reviews.

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