Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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February 12, 2025

Have you watched the movie “Pay It Forward?” It’s a great movie about a teacher who challenges his students with a unique class assignment.

On the chalkboard, the teacher has written the assignment: “Think of an idea to change the world – and put it into action.”

One student takes the assignment to heart and creates the “Pay It Forward” concept where he commits himself to help three people. The idea of helping three people is terrific, but the fact that each person he helps commits to (more…)

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February 12, 2025

While on a plane last week, I looked into the cockpit and noticed to ladies occupying the pilot and co-pilot seats.
I’m not sure how rare this truly is where two women are pilot and co-pilots of a daily major airline flight, but it was the first time in years of flying that I’ve ever experienced it, and I thought it was great to see, worth sharing, and hopefully in the future it’s not as rare as it may be today.
Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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Average Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 201 user reviews.

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February 12, 2025

Are you parked in a comfort zone? Will you attempt something new today? Do you wake up each day motivation to try something new, or learn something new?

If so, good for you! If not, why not?

Why not attempt the impossible? Why remain in our comfort zone? It’s just so easy isn’t it? We wake up and do the same thing over and over and over again.


Someone once wrote, “To achieve all that is possible, you must attempt the impossible. To be as much as you can be, you must dream of being more. Your dream is the promise of all you can become.”

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
Sign up for our free eNewsletter, Ripples

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 225 user reviews.

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February 12, 2025

I recently took a weekend trip with some friends and our rental car came with the “Never Lost” navigation system.  I’ve actually spotted this in other rental cars I’ve used from time-to-time, but being in a hurry and not wanting to mess around with learning how to use a navigation system, I never turned it on.

Well, that would have been the case again while on this weekend trip with some friends, however, as I drove, my friend who was riding in the passenger’s seat was intrigued and hit the power button about 30 second after he sat down.

I’m guessing he was also that kid in class that asked a lot of questions.

But, I must admit, I’m glad he turned on the navigation system, just as I’m sure many students were pleased when he asked a question they were afraid to ask the teacher.

What we discovered is the “Never Lost” system – which I’ve fondly named Nellie Never-Lost – is awesome.  It’s easy to program and use, and it’s dead-on right when it comes to directions, which is something I usually need help with when traveling in another state…and even close to home!

I read the article Drivers of tomorrow won’t get mad at traffic, they’ll get around it in the USA Today, and I’m not sure why they state “tomorrow, ” because this is something we all could use today.

Do yourself a favor – as my friend did for me (thanks Steve!) – and turn on Never-Lost navigation system in your next rental vehicle and let Nellie Never-Lost get you to your hotel, meetings or if you’re having more fun than me on your trips, the beach!  Safe travels!

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 241 user reviews.

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February 12, 2025

About four years ago I received a bronze dinosaur in the mail.
A good friend and business associate sent me the bronze dinosaur as a reminder not to be a dinosaur, to stay on the cutting edge, and to never say “We’ve done it this way for many years and it’s worked, so we’re not going to change.”
Do you know someone who clings to the old, who hasn’t changed with the information age, or who remains in his or her comfort zone versus taking chances?
Common sense tells me that what once was successful 20, 30, 40-plus years ago likely is not going to be successful today.
The challenges may be the same – or comparable – but the solutions and answers to success are likely different.
In our fast-moving world, being a dinosaur instead of open-minded and flexible is likely a ticket to extinction.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
Sign up for our free eNewsletter, Ripples

Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 222 user reviews.

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February 12, 2025

While running, I often try to keep my runs fresh by taking different routes from time-to-time.  I don’t always know where I’ll end up when I take a different road, but I have a general idea where I’ll end up based on the direction I’m heading.

Many times in life we think about taking a “different road, ” but we often find ourselves sticking to the same daily routine.

I wasn’t always comfortable taking a different road when I started running.  In fact, I was much more comfortable running the same route over and over because I knew how long it was and that I could finish it.

After a while, though, it became boring running the same route over and over, and I began asking myself, “What new route could I take today?”

I finally took a different route – a different road – and I actually enjoyed it better than my old route.  The new route challenged me more than the old route because I had to run a longer distance to complete my run.

Is there a different road you could take today?  Is there a different way you could do something and get a better result?

Is there a different way to do a season-long promotion you’ve conducted the same way the last three years?  Is there a different way to execute the annual fund-raising auction you host?  Is there a different approach you could take with your weekly staff meetings?

Go for it.  Why not?  Take a different road.  Do something different today.  Surprise yourself.  Venture into the unknown.  Don’t hold back.  Give it a shot!

Who knows what the outcome might be if you make a change or do something different, but it should be a nice change of pace for you and all those involved.  And, sometimes it’s just nice to try something new.  Who knows, you just might surprise yourself and get a better result, too.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

Average Rating: 4.7 out of 5 based on 281 user reviews.

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