Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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September 15, 2024

Good news!  I can run 26.2 miles…the distance of a marathon.  Well, if given a week to run 26.2 miles!

Actually, I ran 33 miles last week, which included my longest run to date, a 14-mile run on Saturday.  Surprisingly, I can still walk.  The stairs are a bit challenging, though.

Thank goodness for “recovery days!”  I’m enjoying no running today.

The training program I’m following encourages runners not to wear headsets and listen to music, so instead, I wear headsets and listen to business CDs! 

I guess I’m not a “real runner” since I use headsets.  Oh well.  Whatever it takes, right?  Besides, what’s wrong with multi-tasking?  Due to my slow pace, I was able to listen to quite a few CDs last week!  I also learned my body could handle (barely) a 14-mile run and I picked up a few business strategies.

This week calls for a 16-mile run on Saturday, as well as the following two Saturdays, before moving up to an 18-mile long run two consecutive Saturdays, and then I get to “taper back” to a long run of nine miles.

I never imagined I’d ever say “I’ll be tapering back to nine miles.”  I’m amazed I’m running these long distances.

I’m usually pretty good at planning ahead on projects I undertake, but the truth is I was clueless to the amount of miles I‘d need to run in training workouts to prepare for a marathon. And, it’s probably a good thing because I’m not sure I would have taken this on.

Although I didn’t sleep well last night – yes, even after taking a couple Tylenol – I’m so glad I’ve taken on this challenge.  I’ve learned a great deal in a short amount of time and know once I cross the finish line in seven weeks, it’ll all be well worth it.

As they say, “No pain, no gain.”  I’ve had plenty of both.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group

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