Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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December 4, 2024

John C. Maxwell, who I’ve had the pleasure of hearing speak and have enjoyed reading many of his books, wrote a neat definition of “problem” to help him see problems in a different light and he shared this in his book, “The Difference Maker.”

It’s worth reading and keeping on hand the next time you, or someone you know, is faced with a problem.

P-rediction: Helping to mold our future.
R-eminders: Showing us that we cannot succeed alone.
O-pportunities: Pulling us out of ruts and prompting us to think creatively.
B-lessings: Opening doors we would otherwise not go through.
L-essons: Providing instruction with each new challenge.
E-verywhere: Telling us that no one is excluded from difficulties.
M-essages: Warning us about potential disaster.
S-olvable: Reminding us that every problem has a solution.
Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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