January 26, 2025
Our Life, and the lives of our children, truly is a privilege. However, I know I haven’t always viewed it that way.
Sometimes in life it takes an event – or someone sharing an experience – that makes you think, “Wow, we’re so lucky and what a privilege life is.”
Last week, I had the opportunity to visit with a friend I haven’t talked to in a long time and I really enjoyed catching up with him and hearing how well he and his family are doing.
When he shared the story of how he and his wife wanted to have a child together, but for years it didn’t happen, and how thankful he and his wife are to have their eight-month old son, he said, “Ron, it really is a privilege to have children and we couldn’t be more thankful.”
He couldn’t be more right, and although I’ve always been thankful for life, our children and the wonderful gifts we enjoy as a family, the message was clear that life and having children are a wonderful privilege – a special gift – that I need to be thankful for each day.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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