Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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July 27, 2024

I recently stayed in a hotel that extended a customized touch-point that was very impressive.

The day I arrived, I received an envelope that was slid under my door. The general manager took the time to type my name on the envelope and also included a type-written letter that he personally signed.

The letter opened with welcoming me to the hotel and followed with “Our staff promises to make your stay with us like home away from home.”

Some other highlights included: “Sunny skies are forecast tomorrow with a high of 70 degrees, ” and the manager then shared various events scheduled in the area, along with times and locations.

The letter closed with “Our Concierge, Cody, will be available tomorrow from 1 to 9:30 pm to answer any concerns you may have or other recommendations so that your visit is enchanting.” He followed with thanking me for choosing the hotel and “we hope you enjoy your time here with us.”

Included with the letter was a card with an inspiring quote, along with the sunrise and sunset times, and with the weather forecast. Well done.

Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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Average Rating: 5 out of 5 based on 151 user reviews.

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