Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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July 27, 2024

If I pick up a book or magazine, it’s usually a business book or magazine, but for some reason, the Dec 2006/Jan 2007 issue of Best Life caught my eye with not one or two headlines, but several headlines that both attracted my interest and made me laugh.

The top headline that caught my attention was “The most dangerous seat on any plane.” As a business traveler, I was interested in taking a peak at this article to see if some of my favorite seats to sit in were listed among the safest.

The next headline: “Get Lean Fast!” Now, who doesn’t want to get lean or stay lean?

Next up: “5 Instant Stress Beaters.” Well, with reports I’ve read that over 90 percent of Americans are stressed, this seems like another article that may have a lot of interest from readers.

But there’s a lot more. How about “7 Secrets of Staying Young, ” “8 Laws of Building Wealth, ” “Flu-Proof Your Winter, ” “The Heart Symptom You Must Never Ignore, ” and Your Best Year Ever!”

Talk about hitting male baby boomers with some articles of interest right between the eyes; this issue of Best Life did just that and this baby boomer picked up a copy.

Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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