Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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July 27, 2024

I listened to Dr. Wayne Dyer speak this past weekend and he said, “I have a very strong belief that everyone who comes into our life from the stranger sitting next to us on the bus to the person driving next to us on the freeway, our children, husbands and wives, and parents; they all come to us as teachers. The key to being effective and awakened in our lives is to be students rather than teachers.”

Dr. Dyer caught my attention with this opening statement because as a consultant, I’m always looking to help people.  I’m in constant “improvement” mode, always looking for things to improve.  I really enjoy teaching, mentoring, and sharing. However, Dr. Dyer says we should see everyone as someone who has something to teach us.

As someone who calls myself a lifelong learner, I must admit that I have not practiced looking at everyone as though they have something to teach me.  Take our kids, for example; as the ‘parent, ’ I’m usually trying to impart some ‘wisdom’ or ‘life lesson’ that I likely learned from my Mom, a teacher or a coach.

The same could be said for so many other situations.  The funny thing is, though, I can recall so many situations where our kids have taught me things they learned at school that I never knew before they shared what they learned, and there have been so many other people who have shared their knowledge with me.

I enjoy learning, but the fact is, I haven’t been as open as I could and should be with everyone I come in contact with each day.  This is both an eye-opener for me as well as an exciting discovery since I know I have so much to learn, and the opportunities are in each person I come in contact with each day.

I’ve committed myself for years to waking up each day and finding at least one thing I can do for others without expecting anything in return.  I really enjoy finding people to surprise in this way.  Now, with family, friends, associates and each new person I meet each day, I’m going to commit myself to learn something from each of them.

If you’re interested to listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s “The Awakened Life” that a friend passed along to me, you can click on this link to access.

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