Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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February 13, 2025

I’ve had many people ask if I’d consider making a complimentary chapter of the  Create A Sellout” eBookk Toolkit available so people can review some of the contents offered in the ticket sales toolkit.

It’s a great point and something I should have offered when we announced the eBook. We’ve made a chapter available and we’re also offering the $50 savings again for those who missed this special offer when we announced “Create A Sellout.”

You can now download and view the “Create A Sellout” toolkit table of contents, introduction, Chapter 2 – which includes 30 strategies and best practices for generating ticket sales prospects and leads – and one of the 15 templates (a multiple event calendar) by clicking on one of the links below.

Simply choose Windows or Mac version – which ever you use – and you’ll be able to access the free downloads:

Complimentary Create A Sellout Chapter & Template – Windows

Complimentary Create A Sellout Chapter & Template – Mac

I hope you enjoy the complimentary chapter and template, and thank you for everyone’s feedback and ideas on the launch of “Create A Sellout.”  Your time, thoughts and ideas are very much appreciated!

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The Telios Group, the “Create a Sellout” eBook Toolkit

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