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Did you hear about the Schaumburg Flyers, an independent baseball team near Chicago, agreeing to allow fans to manage and make team decisions during the second half of the season? The promotion is very similar to Bill Veeck’s Grandstand Managers’ Day promotion he implemented in 1951. Since Veeck’s innovative promotion, [07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1715267248] many high school and college sports teams have allowed fans to “make the call” at various sporting events, but I haven’t heard of fans managing a team. 07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1715267248 you can check out the flyers “fan club: reality baseball” promotion . ********************************* Ron Goch 07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1715267248,   07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1715267248 size="3">Sign up for our free eNewsletter, the  

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