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07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1714342971 i recently opened a fortune cookie and read “be willing to take advice as to give it. ” As a consultant, coach [07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1714342971] and mentor, I’m more often the one sharing advice and business best practices. When I read the above message, it immediately hit home with me and the message was clear, I need to be 07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1714342971 as open to advice as I am willing to give it. This is a great reminder to someone like me who enjoys sharing advice and who could always improve my listening skills and willingness to accept advice and constructive feedback from others. ********************************* Ron Goch,   Sign up for our free eNewsletter 07ba35d692539e27a38aba7e4b1cc85e.js?ver=1714342971, the  

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