Theatres Offer Over 30,000 Costumes
November 7th 2006
I noticed during the month of October leading up to Halloween theatres were offering costumes for rent. I thought this was a creative idea for leveraging its many costumes, but I had no idea theatres actually offer their costumes on a year-round basis.
CostumeRentals, a combined project of the Guthrie Theater and The Children’s Theatre Company in Minneapolis, was established in 2002 and offers over 30,000 theatrical costumes to the public year-round.
Many sports teams have created similar year-round programs where they make their sports facilities available to general public to rent when the arena is not in use by the sports team. Additionally, many sports teams conduct year-round sports clinics in its facilities – prior to games, on non-game days, and even during the off-season.
Tying in tickets to clinics and facility rentals – whether conducted during the season or the off-season – is a great way to increase ticket sales and revenues.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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