Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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Partnering for Value

April 20th 2009

In January, I shared in a Telios Tip that one of the most positive developments from the down economy was the increase in collaborations among businesses.

Three months later, businesses continue to seek and leverage partnerships, and this is one of the strategies I highlight in the soon to be released “Create a Sellout” toolkit.  Regardless of the economy, it’s important for the success of any business to engage in partnerships and strategic alliances.

One great example I came across last weekend was a pizza business that included a small box-top flyer featuring coupons to four different restaurants, each with a different offer.

The flyer headline read, “Partners in Value” and the copy read, “Times are tight, and so are household budgets… we get it! Please take advantage of these great offers from these great partners to help you make the most of your dollars.”

This is just one great example of how businesses are partnering to benefit everyone involved, and it’s a great example of what many businesses can be doing to assist each other as well as each of their customers.

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