Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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Let’s Not Forget About Father’s Day

April 21st 2006

Yesterday we discussed looking outside of sports at some events being offered on (or around) Mother’s Day.  Here are five events I thought you might be interested to see that are happening on (or around) Father’s Day that may provide you with a new idea or two for your events:

Father’s Day Sleepover at San Diego Zoo

Friendship Firehouse Father’s Day Open House

Wacky Races for Father’s Day

Fast Day for Father’s Day

Father’s Day Race to Fight Prostate Cancer

Your turn to take a shot!

What new Father’s Day event and ticket promotion could you create that will offer Dads and families a fun event and help you sell more tickets to sports event near or on Father’s Day?

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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