Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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Constantly Hone Your Cognitive Fitness

January 21st 2008

I read a great article about “Cognitive Fitness” in the Harvard Business Review OnPoint, which emphasized the benefits of leaders who have constantly honed their cognitive fitness – ability to reason, remember, learn, plan, and adapt – by practicing various techniques that stimulate development of new brain cells and neural networks.

The article describes how Alan Greenspan, Warren Buffett and other well-known leaders have defied the logic that at advanced ages our mental capacity deteriorates with aging.

The authors of the article, Roderick Gilkey and Clint Kilts, suggest 4 steps to achieving cognitive fitness, and they include: 1) Using experiences to grow your brain; 2) Working hard at play; 3) Searching for patterns; and 4) Seeking novel experiences.

Here’s the link to the article for those interested in reading more about cognitive fitness.
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