Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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20 Networking Sites For Business

August 17th 2009

A few weeks ago I came across “20 Social Networking Sites for Business Professionals,” posted by Alyssa Gregory on sitepoint. Along with a great list of business networks, there are over 100 comments that include additional links to business networks.

I recently updated my social networks, and here are the links to my profiles if you’d like to connect: Digg, Facebook, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Naymz, Twitter, and Xing.

I’ve also initiated a number of sports business groups and I encourage you to join us if you’re interested. They include: The Telios Group’s Facebook Group; on LinkedIn: Sports Business Executives Network, Sports Marketing Executives Network, and the Ticket Sales and Retention Network.

Twitter Twibes (groups) include: SportsBusiness, SportMarketing, and TicketSalesBestPractices. FriendFeed groups include: Sports Business Execs, Sports Marketing, and Ticket Sales & Retention.

Finally, if you’re in Utah, the LinkedIn groups include: Utah Sports Business Network and Utah Sports Marketing Network.

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