All Good Things Take Time
June 20th 2009
“Patience is the ability to wait and calmly preserve. We all grow impatient, but some people have more trouble waiting than others do. We tend to forget that all good things take time.” – John Wooden
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A Course in Speed Waiting
April 17th 2009
“I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an hour in only 10 minutes.” – Steven Wright
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Prepare to Be Poised
April 13th 2009
“Poise and confidence come with proper preparation. When we are as prepared as we know how to be, and we know that we have the tools to handle most of the unknowns that might come our way, we can go into an event, a job, a meeting, a show or any other venue with total confidence.” – John Wooden
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Impatience Rarely Leads to Success
September 23rd 2008
“Impatience never commanded success.” – Edwin Hubbel Chapin
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Show Patience and Tenacity
April 6th 2008
“Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight in cleverness.” – Thomas Henry Huxley
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Patience to Do Difficult Things
November 8th 2007
“Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.” – Johann Friedrich von Schiller
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Exercise Patience
January 31st 2007
“Every day brings some exasperation – some need, small or great – that forces us to exercise patience. Patience is just part of the equipment we need if we are going to cope with life.” – Jim Long
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