Live An Ethical Life
October 9th 2009
“Educators, philosophers, theologians, and lawyers have taken what really is a simple matter and made it very confusing. Living an ethical life may not always be easy, but it need not be complicated.” – John Maxwell
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Always Do Right
May 25th 2009
“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” – Mark Twain
NEW from The Telios Group, the “Create a Sellout” eBook Toolkit
Always Be Honest
May 21st 2009
“Being tempted to be dishonest is not the problem. We all face that. The lesson to learn is how to resist the temptation when it comes.” – John Wooden
NEW from The Telios Group, the “Create a Sellout” eBook Toolkit
Always Be Honest
May 16th 2009
“Honesty is doing the things that we know are right and not giving into the temptation to do the things that we know are wrong. Honesty must occur at all times, in both thought and action.” – John Wooden
NEW from The Telios Group, the “Create a Sellout” eBook Toolkit
Always Be Sincere
May 7th 2009
“Achievement and recognition will alienate some people through no fault of our own. There are always some people who want to bring us down and keep us down, and there are others who want to keep us from going up. Those are not friendships based on sincerity.” – John Wooden
NEW from The Telios Group, the “Create a Sellout” eBook Toolkit
Sincerity Can Lead to Friendship
May 2nd 2009
“Sincerity may not make a friend, but it will keep one. It often takes a while to be validated, but once a person knows that our word, character and steadfastness have withstood the tests of life, a firm friendship can be established and maintained.” – John Wooden
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Always Do the Right Thing
April 30th 2009
“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” – William Penn
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Always Be Authentic
April 12th 2009
“Most people think of poise as calm, self-assured dignity; but I call it ‘just being you.’ When we have poise, we’re not acting, faking or pretending. We’re not trying to be something we’re not, nor are we attempting to live up to others’ expectations. Therefore, when we are being who we really are, we’ll have greater likelihood of functioning nearer our own level of competency.” – John Wooden
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Always Be Yourself
January 28th 2009
“The idea is not to distance ourselves from others but to let them be themselves while we continue to be ourselves.” – Michael P. Nichols
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Always Be Honest
April 24th 2006
“If in your own judgment you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer.” – Abraham Lincoln