Women’s Soccer Prepares 2008 Comeback
April 19th 2007
Q. I recently read a story that women’s professional soccer will return in April of 2008. What do you think of women’s professional soccer re-launching and do you believe it will have a successful comeback?
A. I’ve kept up with the stories about the pending return of women’s professional soccer , and think it’s terrific. The WNBA, which celebrates its 11th year when it tips off this summer, has steadily grown over the years and found success with more independent team owners.
The cities being reported for the new league are solid and I hope the league is a great success. There’s no question it will be challenging, but those challenges – which are no different for any new business venture – will be small in comparison to the rewards of having a second women’s professional sports league in the United States again.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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