Teams Commemorating an Anniversary
April 7th 2008
Q. Could you share one or two examples of sports team celebrating team anniversaries and strategies they’re implementing to commemorate the team’s anniversary?
A. I’m sharing two links below from the Arizona Diamondback’s 10th anniversary and the Oakland A’s 40th anniversary, both being celebrated this season.
On the A’s anniversary page, they have an all-time roster, the top 40 moments, team history and stats, and game giveaways include 40th anniversary DVDs, retro caps, and retro jerseys from each decade.
The d-backs will commemorate its anniversary by inviting the 1998 team back for a reunion held at a home game, by unveiling the 10th anniversary team at a game, and a 10th anniversary recognition game where they will honor employees, partners and fans.
In addition, d-backs fans can submit stories online and they’re also offering a 10-game anniversary flex plan where fans can choose their 10 games.
Oakland Athletics 40th Anniversary
Arizona Diamondbacks 10th Anniversary
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Question of the Week - Blog Archive » Sports Team Anniversary Celebrations Revisited says:
April 6th, 2009 at 1:40 am
[…] about sports team anniversaries this same week last year. I shared two examples you can access here. In addition, Here’s the Mountain West Conference’s 10th Anniversary page, the NFL’s 50th […]