Supporting Girls and Women’s Sports
February 18th 2008
Q. You’ve been a big supporter of girls and women’s sports over the years and I’m curious where that all started for you?
A. I’ve enjoyed girls and women’s sports as long as I can remember. I’ve had so many wonderful opportunities to support girls and women’s sports over my lifetime. I grew up with two younger sisters who at one time or another participated in sports. My first “job” in sports was as the first women’s sports information director at Winona State University, and I followed that with a graduate assistantship in women’s athletics at the University of Tennessee.
I also had the pleasure to be the vice president of business operations for a WNBA team, have consulted with numerous WNBA teams and college women’s sports programs, and today enjoy being a fan as well as assisting with coaching our youngest daughter’s sports teams.
So for me, supporting girls and women’s sports started at a very young age, and I’m thankful for the many opportunities I’ve had – and continue to have – to support and cheer for girls and women’s sports.
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