Most Important Attributes to Develop
April 6th 2007
Q. What are the most important attributes I can develop to help me have a successful, influential, and sustained career in sports?
A. I believe one of the key ingredients to success and happiness in life is your attitude, and the one you choose to have each day. Many people don’t understand the simple fact that our attitude and circumstances are our choice.
Here are the other nine that round out my top-10: Do what you enjoy, never compromise your integrity or character, be passionate in all you pursue, do something that will benefit someone else each day, always give your best effort – every day and every play, look for the good in others and respect others time, have a mentor and be a lifelong learner, know that very good is never good enough, be as consistent and balanced as you can personally and professionally, and have fun in all you do!
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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