College Sports Versus Professional Sports
April 9th 2007
Q. What area of expertise would you recommend going into, collegiate or professional? I know you have experience with both, and if I could do something like that, I think it would be ideal. But, with that said, which level have you enjoyed the most?
A. This is one of those questions I couldn’t possibly answer for you and one you will need to find out for yourself. It really just depends on what you enjoy and what you would like your day-to-day experiences to be. Personally, I enjoy both for different reasons.
I started in college athletics as a student-athlete, and have had opportunities to work in many different college athletics capacities from an intern and graduate assistant to coordinator and assistant director of athletics, and I enjoyed each of those opportunities and experiences.
My experiences in professional sports have been equally rewarding, but more so from a business experience standpoint. Regardless of college or professional sports, the people have been the difference for me, and I’ve enjoyed meeting and working with people in college and professional sports.
You could always give each a try by serving as an intern with a professional team, as well as invest a semester or year with a college and determine which one you enjoy most, and which you would choose for a career.
Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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