Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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January 26, 2025

Our kids never seize to amaze me with their open, honest, candid and at times, naïve comments.

Sometimes they’re just flat-out funny – making everyone in our family laugh – and other times they’re a bit too much attitude, which we address appropriately.

Last Saturday night while gathered with neighbors in their living room, I was chatting with the guys and our youngest daughter was visiting with my wife across from us. I could see they were whispering and a short time later our daughter wondered over and sat on my lap.

I believe she was supposed to whisper, but instead delivered her request aloud. “Dad…Mom and I were talking and we’re wondering if we could sleep in tomorrow and miss church?” Of course everyone in the room started laughing and then awaited my response.

Now, I’ve been known to miss a day or two of church (okay, maybe more than a day or two), but there was no way I was going to miss church last Sunday. Not only did we need to be there to give thanks and hear our pastor’s message, but we needed to be there to pray for the Bears…the Chicago Bears, who later that day would play for a trip to the Super Bowl.

So of course I told our daughter we needed to be in church (leaving out the part about the Bears), and she was disappointed. However, the next morning, I quietly made my way to the shower, dressed, kissed my wife and whispered, “I’ll say a prayer for you and the kids. Sleep well and I’ll see you after church.” She smiled, rolled over and went back to sleep and I snuck out of the house to my car.

I likely scored some decent points and then prayed the Bears would do the same.

Later that day, we were all happy. My wife and kids couldn’t believe I let them sleep in and I was ecstatic the Bears won their game.

You know where I’ll be Super Bowl Sunday morning…right where I’m supposed to be, in church giving thanks, listening to our pastor’s message and praying for those Bears!

Ron Goch,
The Telios Group
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