Ron Goch
The Telios Group
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February 12, 2025

It took me three tries but I finally accomplished the 10-Day Challenge, which according to Anthony Robbins, is going 10 days without a negative thought.

When I first attempted the 10-Day Challenge back on April 5, I thought it would be as easy as it sounded, but found myself falling short.  I’ve always been optimistic and positive…so I thought, but through the 10-Day Challenge and staying focused on my attitude continuously, I learned where and when I display and express negative thoughts.

On my third try of the 10-Day Challenge, I actually found myself focusing on each of my responses daily. I’d consciously think before I spoke and ensure positive thoughts and positive words.

I didn’t think it would be a difficult thing to do, but I discovered a key ingredient to being positive through the process.  I learned that if I look for the “good” in every situation I’m likely to find good things, think good things, and catch those around me doing good things. Sounds fairly simple, right? Well, for me, someone who expects and strives for the best effort and the best outcome, it was easier said than done.

But finally, I accomplished the 10-Day Challenge, and as a result have learned I need to continue to do a better job looking for the good in every situation.

Ron Goch, The Telios Group
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